
Tomorrow, and… (2021)

Narrative drama written and directed by Dane McMichael and produced by Jackie Fiorillo.

Senses (2017)

Narrative drama directed by Claire Bamert and produced by Ryan Callahan.  Utilizes heavily stylized color back/side lighting for a "comic-book" look.

Oxidation (2016)

A dance-on-camera piece directed by Tate Q. Steinberg and produced by Lindsay Driscoll.  The piece utilizes many color changing LED fixtures and showcases several dynamic lighting shifts to move the story. "Every relationship decays in its own way."

Sibling Day (2016)

A narrative drama directed by John Andrews and produced by John Manidis.

Documentary Work

Commercial Crabbermen (2017)

Producer, Director, Cinematographer, Editor

Many people consider it unusual to be out on the Barnegat Bay in the dead of night or the middle of winter, but the men who fish for blue claw crab there for a living couldn’t find it any more ordinary.

Legends of Lacey Township: A Tour Through Time (2016)

Producer, Cinematographer, Editor

Legends of Lacey Township: A Tour Through Time, is a locally produced history documentary about three villages that make up Lacey Township on the New Jersey Shore.  The documentary tells the story of an out-of-the-way hunting and fishing destination with just over 850 residents that became a boom town with the addition of a major highway and a nuclear power plant in the 1960's.


Call Time (2016)

Things go awry for a group of theater technicians as they scramble to prepare for opening night, battling the clock as well as their personal drama.